/ YouTube

The Youtube Insights Dashboard is designed to analyze and interpret YouTube's search results and recommendation algorithms based on monitored search terms. It features two main sections, analysing first search results and then recommendations based on the search results, ie which content does Youtube recommended once a video featured in the search results it clicked. The search results section gives a view in a glance at the better performing channels displayed by Youtube over the selected date range for the set keyword, as well as a view on the top 5 better performing individual videos present in search results. The recommendation section provides data on channels and videos displayed in Youtube auto-play queues of videos presented in search results. In other words, it analyses which videos are the most recommended for the selected keyword. The graphical view shows best performing channels while the table view shows which individual videos were better performing in recommendations.

/ Top Search Results Channels by Frequency and Visibility

This donut graph showcases the prominence of channels in YouTube's search results, analysing two key aspects: the frequency of each channel's appearance and its average position in the search results. The graph highlights channels that are not only frequently found in search results but also have a higher average position (closer to position 0). This dual consideration of frequency and average ranking position paints a comprehensive picture of a channel's visibility and popularity. It combines quantity (how often a channel appears) with quality (how prominently it is displayed).

/ Top 5 Search Results Videos by Frequency and Visibility

This table visualises the most videos on YouTube's search results based on two critical factors: how often each video is to be found and its average position in the search results list. Videos that appears more frequently and higher in the list (closer to position 0) score higher, indicating a greater likelihood of being noticed and clicked by users. This table provides insights into which videos are not only popular in search results but also more prominently displayed, combining aspects of quantity (frequency) and quality (visibility) of search results.


Teppo Nieminen

Suomi on demokratia, jossa järjestetään monia erilaisia vaaleja. Vaaleissa valitaan edustajia eri valtuustoihin ja erilaisiin tehtäviin, mutta vaalit kuitenkin toimivat...

3271 views - 44 likes
Published 1 year ago

Veronica Verho: Maailman parhaat vaalit


Suomessa on maailman parhaat vaalit - Mieti miksi! on valtioneuvoston kanslian, oikeusministeriön ja Turvallisuuskomitean viestintäkampanja, jonka tarkoituksena on kannustaa käyttämään...

2847 views - 12 likes
Published 5 years ago

Eu-vaalit 2019, kiitospuhe

Suomen Uutiset - Perussuomalaiset

Jussi Halla-aho vaalivalvojaisissa 26.5.2019

14267 views - 695 likes
Published 5 years ago

Metsäliitto Osuuskunnan vaalit

Metsä Group

Hyvä Metsän omistajajäsen, äänestä Metsäliitto Osuuskunnan edustajistovaaleissa 22.3.–14.4.2023 Olet saanut postitse äänestyslipukkeen ja ohjeen sähköiseen äänestämiseen. Käytä äänesi ja päätä,...

25761 views - 0 likes
Published 1 year ago

Tehdään näistä vaalit

Suomen Keskusta

Tuhansia kilometrejä ympäri Suomen. Siinä oppii kuulemaan miten Suomi puhuu ja minkälainen on sen ääni. Terveisin Matti.

75060 views - 266 likes
Published 6 years ago

/ YouTube Recommendations Analysis

This dashboard provides insights into YouTube's video recommendation system, a key feature that significantly influences user engagement and content discovery. Upon clicking a YouTube video, an algorithm-driven feature known as "Auto-play" activates, presenting a curated sequence of videos intended to maintain the viewer's attention. Our focus here is on the "Recommendation" system, specifically the subsequent video suggestions that appear alongside the currently playing video and as the next play in the sequence.
These recommendations are a pivotal aspect to explore, as they reveal the algorithm's strategy in retaining viewer interest and encouraging prolonged viewing sessions. This dashboard aims to dissect the recommendation patterns, offering valuable insights into what content is promoted and how it potentially shapes viewer behaviour.

/ Top 15 Recommended Channels by Frequency and Visibility

This donut graph showcases the prominence of channels in YouTube's recommendations, analysing two key aspects: the frequency of each channel's appearance and its average position in the recommendations. The graph highlights channels that are not only frequently found in the recommendations but also have a higher average position (closer to position 0). This dual consideration of frequency and average ranking position paints a comprehensive picture of a channel's visibility and popularity. It combines quantity (how often a channel appears) with quality (how prominently it is displayed).

/ Top 5 Search Results Videos by Frequency and Visibility

This table visualises the most videos on YouTube's recommendations based on two critical factors: how often each video is to be found and its average position in the recommended videos list. Videos that appears more frequently and higher in the list (closer to position 0) score higher, indicating a greater likelihood of being noticed and clicked by users. This table provides insights into which videos are not only popular in the recommendations but also more prominently displayed, combining aspects of quantity (frequency) and quality (visibility).

Suomen vaalien kummallisuuksia? VAALIT SELITETTYNÄ // ELECTIONS EXPLAINED

Teppo Nieminen

Vaikka Suomen vaalijärjestelmä mahdollistaa monenlaisten eri ajatusten tulla esille vaaleissa, siinä on silti omat kommervenkkinsä ja kummallisuutensa. Tämä video tutustuu...

856 views - 20 likes
Published 1 year ago

Ministeri vetää viinaa työaikana!


Ministeri Lintilä tilasi kymmeniä pulloja viinaa työpaikalleen -veronmaksajien piikkiin. Millä tavoin tämmöinen määrä alkoholia liittyy ministerin työnkuvaan? Seuraa mua somessa: Instagram: http://bit.ly/2wBcgvV Twitter:...

68469 views - 1722 likes
Published 1 year ago

Finland | Parliament Elections 2019 | The Political Parties | Europe Elects

Europe Elects

This is the YouTube service of Europe Elects. Poll aggregation and election analysis for countries in the European Union. Europe...

26709 views - 0 likes
Published 5 years ago

Minority Rule: First Past the Post Voting

CGP Grey

Help support videos like this: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey

6402697 views - 107490 likes
Published 13 years ago

Näin äänestät eduskuntavaaleissa


Selkokielisellä videolla kerrotaan perusohjeet äänestämisestä eduskuntavaaleissa. Videon ovat tuottaneet eduskunta, Euroopan parlamentin Suomen-tiedotustoimisto, Kehitysvammaliitto, Kuntaliitto ja oikeusministeriö.

11216 views - 31 likes
Published 9 years ago